Creator: David Jonathan

Der Effekt:Der Zuschauer mischt das Kartenspiel so oft er will. (Nun soll der Zuschauer eine beliebige Karte nennen.) Wenn er fertig ist fragt der Zauberer Siri (Sprachassitent des Iphones) nach einer Zahl (und einer Karte). An der von Siri genannten Stelle liegt nun die genannte Spielkarte. “VOX is yet another shining example of why I…
Der Effekt:
Der Zuschauer mischt das Kartenspiel so oft er will. (Nun soll der Zuschauer eine beliebige Karte nennen.) Wenn er fertig ist fragt der Zauberer Siri (Sprachassitent des Iphones) nach einer Zahl (und einer Karte). An der von Siri genannten Stelle liegt nun die genannte Spielkarte.
“VOX is yet another shining example of why I love David’s brain so much. He should be declared a national treasure!”
– Michael Murray
“VOX is brilliant. The work that David has put into this is incredible.”
– David Penn
“David has seamlessly woven a variety of methods to create a powerful & highly memorable routine which will amaze your audience and the magician alike. VOX is incredible.”
– Joel Dickinson
“Meticulously well designed and thought out. VOX is an incredible version of ACAAN.”
– Marc Paul
“David has a penchant for producing strong effects with clever methods, and VOX is no exception. Add to cart!”
– Eric Stevens
“VOX is BRILLIANT! David took the ACAAN concept and made it relatable, fresh, modern and added a really clever, unique twist. You are really going to get a kick out of this!”
– Matt Johnson
“David has created something really special with VOX. The presentation is engaging, and the method is fiendishly clever. I don’t normally perform ACAAN but I’ll definitely be doing this!”
– Roddy McGhie
“This may become one of the best EDC’s of all time and is a strong contender for Trick of The Year.”
– Fiddlin Jonny
“VOX is a really big addition to the magic world and one of the most exciting releases to come out this year. 100%”
– Craig Petty
“An amazing project. David’s worked his butt off on this and it shows!”
– Paul Longhurst
“This is the 2023 Trick of the Year in my opinion.”
– Joshua Steinke
“The work that has gone into this is amazing. The tutorial is first class and the price is unbelievable… I love it!”
– Douglas H.
“This has to be the best ACAAN I have ever seen.”
– Bob Hand
“This effect is amazing. David’s thought process with respect to the method is just brilliant.”
– James Buchanan Cowan
“I absolutely love VOX. Instant Trick of The Year for me.”
– Daniel Godwin
“Every time I do this trick, I blow my own mind. It’s very gratifying.”
– Rob Van Someren
“Close up Trick of the Year!”
– Nick V.
“Wow! VOX is incredible. It far exceeded my expectations – and my expectations were pretty high. I suspect that VOX will be a candidate for Trick of The Year!”
– Marc Edgar
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